Brain Test 2 Agent Smith Level 17 Smith found out that Eddie has planted bombs to a skyscraper’s basement. Find them ✔️ You are looking for answers to Brain Test 2 Agent Smith, of course you are not in the wrong place. This is where we provide answers to the games Brain Test 2, complete with the correct answers and there are also image pointers, which can help make it easier to understand, so these are the answers to the Brain Test 2 Agent Smith Level 17 Smith found out that Eddie has planted bombs to a skyscraper’s basement. Find them
Brain Test 2 Agent Smith Level 17
Question : Smith found out that Eddie has planted bombs to a skyscraper’s basement. Find them
Answer : first slide the room detector slide it to the wall then you will see a bomb then hit it with a bat 2 times until you see a bomb and the result will be like this picture.
About brain test 2
Brain test 2 is a mobile phone games that is currently very much in demand, even on the Google Play store it has been recorded that 50 million people have complained about it. Brain test 2 is also a development of the previous game which is more challenging and fun. Because in this game you have to be really careful at each level, it’s easy to pass this challenge. Because in every challenge sometimes the answer is beyond our expectations.
Brain test 2 is also a game that we think is good for training your brain to become smarter in thinking. Especially if playing with people you love will definitely be more exciting.
With the brain test 2 answer key on this site, you can use it when you really don’t know the answer, because what if in each answer you use the help of this site, playing games won’t be fun anymore. Therefore, use only enough answer keys to play the game more challenging and train your brain’s intelligence.
Don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can be helped by the brain test 2 answer key that we provide on this website.
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